Welcome to Gianni Investments - Investors in innovation

Our investment house was founded in 2008 with the goal of providing our valued clients with a tailor made personalized capital investment. As a boutique, unaffiliated firm we can focus on our clients' needs and formulate the most suitable portfolio for their needs.

We achieve excellent returns on our holdings in high value investments, with our main avenue of investment in the Telecom, IT and Tech fields. Gianni Investments's market researchers and analysts scour the international market for attractive investment opportunities and startup ventures in these fields, particularly in under-subscribed markets in developing countries.

Our client base is comprised of individuals of value or firms, seeking to invest in a diversified portfolio with high ROIs.

Our advisors begin the process by holding an initial meeting with the client during which we chart their requirements together, after which we assemble an investment plan. If the client has any special requests we make every effort to accommodate their wishes. All of the financial products we offer undergo stringent research and due diligence prior to being offered to our clients. Once our investment plan has the client's approval we proceed to purchase and manage their customized portfolio on their behalf.
Our client's privacy is of the utmost importance to us, we carry out all our activity with the utmost discretion.

We constantly monitor the client's holdings and make any adjustments in accordance with market performance. We provide the client with scheduled updates and notify whenever we deem changes to be necessary. Our client's account information is available to them in real time in their personal account area, accessible on the investor login page

Our team

At Gianni Investments we are committed to providing the very best service to our clients; their interests are our interests. With this in mind we have assembled a team of highly qualified professionals in order to meet their most exacting requirements.
Our team consists of a combination of in-house employees, as well as a trusted group of professionals and consultants with whom we routinely work on an outsourced, contractual basis.
Our expert team is committed to providing the very best investment advisory and management services, keeping our customers interests at the forefront.

Our professional team covers a wide range of areas of expertise, these include our executive management team, financial advisors, financial analysts and researchers, portfolio managers, tax advisers, venture capital specialists, new tech professionals, legal and accountancy personnel, external auditing team, customer liaison and marketing experts, and last but not least our administrative team.



Our executive management team hails from some of the leading investment houses with many years of combined experience, which they use to lead our investment strategy. Their aim is to give our clients access to some of the worlds' most thrilling investment opportunities.


Financial advisory

Our advisory team learns the needs of our clients and compiles the most fitting investment plan for their requirements.



We carry out the most extensive and stringent research into all the financial products we offer our clients. No products are offered before due diligence has been carried out.


Portfolio management

Portfolio managers manage our client's portfolios on a routine basis. They make adjustments to the portfolio's composition according to market conditions, any major changes are carried out with the prior knowledge and approval of our clients.


Tax advice

Every client has their own individual tax issues and our investment activity on their behalf must be carried out with attention to their specific needs, our tax advisory personnel advise accordingly.


Venture Capital

Our venture capital advisors offer our clients the chance to invest from the ground floor as seed investors in exciting new ventures in the Telecom, IT and Tech sectors around the globe; in particular in developing markets.


New tech

A major proportion of our investment activity is in the realm of cutting- edge new technology, both in tech firms as well as startup ventures; we work with professional advisors from the specific field who conduct in- depth checks into potential investments on our behalf in order to verify their true merit.


Legal and accountancy

Gianni Investments's legal and accountancy team perform all pertinent work to our activity, including contractual, financial reporting, co-coordinating independent audits, and more.


External audit

Our activity is overseen by external auditors who execute regulatory audits on a regular basis, on behalf of our management.


Customer liaison

We take our relationship with our customers very seriously indeed and believe that the flow of information regarding their holdings is vital. We arrange regular meetings with our clients and keep them up to date whenever necessary, provide them with scheduled reports and welcome any questions about their holdings around the clock 365 days a year.



None of our activity could be possible without our dedicated administrative team who work tirelessly to keep everything running smoothly to everyone's satisfaction.

Contact us

Find out more about the range of services, we provide as well as details of our financial products and venture capital opportunities send us a message to:


One of our advisors will contact you as soon as possible to set up a meeting.


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